Everyone talks about global warming and say they are aware about it, but I don't think they know a bit of consequences of GLOBAL WARMING. Everyone says that the developed countries are responsible for the Global Warming but I say isn't it the responsibility of developing countries also. I don't say that we should stop developing, what I want to say is that do not misuse the energy we get and try to save it.
We watch television but when seen enough we just keep it in standby mode, due to which there is energy loss. We keep our mobile and other things connected to power supply when not in use, this also makes loss of energy. Keeping our taps open when brushing, using vechicles for short distances and many other things we do in our daily life creates kilo watts of energy loss and if you say nothing will happen when I do,then you are stupid and foolish. There are billions of people thinking like you in the world and if you don't start with your behaviour first then the world is going to be same how much you talk about it.
Change start from you, so start now and think for the future generations, we have to go long distance in time so act now.